MEGA Homebrew for Humanity is the registered 501 (c) (3) that supports this charity event; sponsorships, whether from underwriting, in-kind or cash donations are mission critical. Please assist us with making this the most successful charitable event possible by participating as a Sponsor.

In 2019 MEGA Homebrew for Humanity submitted an Application for Recognition of Exemption with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. We were granted recognition by the IRS of exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Code.

Sponsorship Levels

Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Presenting rights, featured on all advertising, website homepage and social media cover graphic, ticket giveaway sponsorship, logo on sampling mug, vendor booth, recognition during event, company banner at event (you must provide), 12 complimentary event tickets

Band Sponsor: $1,000
Vendor booth, logo in TV commercial, logo on website sponsor page and social media, recognition during event as the band sponsor, company banner at event near the band (you must provide), 8 complimentary event tickets

VIP Sponsor: $1,000
Vendor booth, logo in TV commercial, logo on website sponsor page and social media, sponsor signage at all booths pouring VIP beers, recognition during event, company banner at event (you must provide), 8 complimentary event tickets

Golden Ale: $1,000
Vendor booth, logo in TV commercial, logo on website sponsor page and social media, recognition during event, company banner at event (you must provide), 8 complimentary event tickets

Responsible Drinking Sponsor: $500
Vendor booth, logo on website sponsor page and social media, recognition during event, company banner at event (you must provide), 4 complimentary event tickets

Copper Lager: $500
Logo on website sponsor page and social media, recognition during event, company banner at event (you must provide), 4 complimentary event tickets

Black IPA: $250
Mentions on social media, recognition during event, company banner at event (you must provide), 2 complimentary event tickets